'The bill is a great improvement on the previous flawed approach to nuclear waste issues, in that it attempts to block the import of waste from other Australian states, not just from overseas,' Mr Chapple said.
'The Greens have been at the forefront of the movement to keep nuclear contamination out of Western Australia, and we therefore congratulate the Government on following some of the initiatives contained in the original bill advanced by Giz Watson MLC.'
'We still demand long-promised action to ban uranium mining, and cleanup of contaminated test sites such as WMC's mess at Yeelirrie.'
'Two issues remain outstanding. Firstly, if we are seeking to prevent wastes from Lucas Heights from being dumped here, we need to create alternatives to the medical isotopes produced at Lucas Heights.'
'Secondly, the Government needs to confront the fact that by allowing the United States Navy to berth nuclear powered and nuclear armed warships in our ports, we undermine the spirit of Western Australia's nuclear-free stance and place our population and environment at huge risk.'
'I look forward to the day when WA is truly nuclear-free.'