The WA Government every now and again provides the public with the option to comment on a particular proposal or project, this is done in the form of a submission.
Current Submissions
- On the Environmental Protection Authority's website, here you can view all the 'open consultations' and make an online submission.
- When Parliamentary Committee's are dealing with an Inquiry there is often the opportunity to make a submission on an Inquiry. You can view all the current Inquiries here
Submission Writing Tips
- Make your submission brief and clear All submissions should have a clear structure and be as short as possible. If your submission is long, it is helpful to include a summary of your key points on the first page. Don’t forget to number the pages in your submission.
- Make sure your submission is readable Committees prefer submissions to be typed on A4 paper and submitted electronically in Word or PDF format. If making a handwritten submission, please make sure your handwriting is clear.
- Sign your submission Please sign your submission. If you are sending your submission electronically, please provide your name and contact details (such as address or phone number).
- Make it clear who the submission is from If you are making a submission on behalf of an organisation, please indicate your position in the organisation. Please also state at what level the submission has been authorised, for example, branch, executive, president, sub-committee, state branch or regional group.
- Include additional material if appropriate You may wish to support your submission with additional material. Written material such as articles or letters may be attached to your submission. If you wish to give or lend the committee other material such as DVDs, photographs or books, please contact the committee’s office. Any material borrowed by the committee will be returned when the inquiry is completed.
- Be relevant and appropriate A committee may not accept a submission that is not relevant to the terms of reference, is frivolous or contains offensive language or remarks.