Wednesday, 22 November 2017
WA Greens MLC Robin Chapple said today that the passing of Dying with Dignity legislation through Victoria’s parliament was a win for compassion.
“This is a decisive victory for both the Andrews Labor government and my Greens colleagues in the Victorian parliament, I congratulate them on this great result,” Mr Chapple said.
“I am extremely hopeful that now this legislation has passed in Victoria, WA won’t be far behind.
“After more than 15 years campaigning for dying with dignity I am so excited to witness such a historic step forward for both Victoria and Australia.
“Currently, there is a joint select committee inquiring on the need for end of life choices in WA.
“The committee is due to report its findings in August next year at which point any member may introduce a Dying with Dignity bill.
“Depending on the outcome of the committee I or others may introduce comparative legislation in WA.”
Media contact:
Robin Chapple - 0409 379 263