Monday, 5th February 2018
A recent report by the Australian Conservation Foundation showing the Australian government will spend less than half on environment and biodiversity programs than mining companies receive in fuel tax credits shows how critical it is that miners pay their fair share, said Greens WA Mining spokesperson Robin Chapple.
The ACF analysis shows that this financial year the mining sector will receive $2.5 billion in fuel tax credits, dwarfing the total federal environment investment.
“What is clear is that there is not only an obscene amount of money being spent to prop up the coal mining industry in particular, but there is also a critical underfunding of environmental initiatives across the nation,” Mr Chapple said.
“When the coal industry alone may receive more in subsidies than the entire federal environment department, you know that the priorities of the government are warped, short-sighted and ultimately dangerous.
“While environment budgets are facing deep cuts, the current laws allow for the excise on fuel to be claimed back against company tax, effectively subsiding an industry that has little need for assistance.
“It is a disastrous position for the federal government to shake down environmental protection with one hand while simultaneously giving taxpayer dollars to some of the world’s largest miners.”
Mr Chapple’s comments come as the Minerals Council of Australia pushes for reduced company tax rates, arguing that miners already pay enough tax.
“The Minerals Council of Australia has once again shown that it will cynically put company super profits ahead of the need for Australia to be able to fund critical environmental protection programs that benefit our regional areas.”
Media Contact: Liam Carter – 0449 151 490