Koolan Island mine flooding is an environmental disaster for Kimberley Coast

Greens Member of Parliament, Robin Chapple is absolutely appalled at the environmental disaster on Koolan Island with the Mt Gibson iron ore mine flooding yet again.

“How many times does this mine have to flood before the problem is fixed properly?” Mr Chapple asked.

“This is a classic example of the mismanagement of a mine that will now severely impact on our marine life in Kimberley!

“The public have a right to know how the Barnett Government and Mount Gibson Iron Ore will fix the section of the sea wall that keeps on collapsing and how they will manage the water that is being pumped out to sea.

“The biodiversity and scenic beauty of the Kimberley coast is one of Australia’s national treasures that is already under threat by competing industry groups and this is just one example of how the exploitation of our natural resources threatens that ecology and biodiversity of the region.

“I will certainly be raising these questions to the Department of Mines as a matter of urgency,” Mr Chapple added.

For more information please contact Robin Chapple on 0409 379 263 or 9486 8255


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