New Minister Sees the Light on Incarceration Rates?
6th May 2013
Greens WA Member for the Mining and Pastoral Region, and spokesperson on Aboriginal issues, Robin Chapple MLC, has welcomed yesterday’s reported statements from Corrective Services Minister Joe Francis which seem to herald a fresh approach to the problem of WA’s increasing prison population.
“I am very pleased to hear the Minister’s words on justice reinvestment as part of a new look at prevention programs which are so desperately needed in WA.
“The contrast with his predecessor could not be starker – or more welcome.
“I recently attended the declaration ceremony for the Birriliburu Indigenous Protected Area (IPA), which was a clear demonstration of the effectiveness of alternative strategies – the Martu people have shown a remarkable aptitude for remote area Ranger duties.
“Further north, in Fitzroy Crossing, the Yiriman Project has achieved outstanding success in diverting at-risk youngsters away from the justice system.
“All of us realize that there has to be a better way – not this incessant treadmill of finger-pointing and blame-shifting – where the inevitable outcome is our state’s scandalous reputation for shockingly high rates of incarceration among aboriginal people.
“I now await some action from the Minister, because words are just not enough in this important area which affects people’s lives at such a basic level”, concluded Mr Chapple.