Greens Member of Parliament, Robin Chapple MLC, said all the evidence is out; not only is fracking a failed industry but a new survey shows that the WA community views it with disapproval or skepticism.
“A recent study of abandoned oil and gas wells in Pennsylvania finds that the hundreds of thousands of such wells in the state may be leaking methane, suggesting that abandoned wells across the country could be a bigger source of climate changing greenhouse gases than previously thought,” Mr Chapple explained.
“The study directly measured leaks from the abandoned wells and found that all 19 wells studied, tested positive for methane leaks, some more than others.
“The findings are disturbing as this means poisonous fluids can migrate into shallow groundwater aquifers or to the atmosphere, Mr Chapple added.
“The WA community is correct to be fearful of fracking, and mistrustful of the Barnett Liberal Government and the Environment Minsiter Albert Jacob who throw all of their support behind companies like Buru Energy.
“Approving Buru’s exploration for fracking in the Kimberley without any environmental assessment shows that not only does the government not care about our environment, they are not listening to the community.
For more information please contact Robin Chapple on 0409 379 263 or 9486 8255