Greens Member for the Mining and Pastoral Region, and Nuclear issues spokesperson Robin Chapple MLC is astonished at today’s proposal by the promoters of the Sydney Mining Club’s “Nuclear focus” event, which would see a plethora of nuclear power plants installed across the length and breadth of WA.
“I had to double-check the calendar, in case this was an April Fools prank”, said Mr Chapple. “The well-informed public of WA has moved on from the crazy 1970s thinking of Lang Hancock and his ilk, of using nuclear warheads to blast out harbours and who-knows what else”
“I have repeatedly warned of the dangers of placing these sorts of facilities near seismically active areas, such as the WA Goldfields – you only need to look at the ongoing radiation leaks from the Fukushima reactor to see what might unfold. This is the last thing we need in WA, where the Greens have proven with the recent release of the “Energy 2029 plan”that renewable energy is the way to go, especially in our sun-drenched remote regions.”
”No serious miner would touch this with a barge-pole - who could afford the massive insurance premiums? No prizes for guessing it would be taxpayers, via the government, footing the bill. I call on the Barnett/Grylls government and the McGowan alternative to clearly spell out whether or not they agree with the spread of nuclear power plants across WA.”
Senator Scott Ludlam, who was unavailable for a detailed briefing, issued a succinct one-line statement branding the collection of pro-nuclear groups behind this latest crazy proposal as “seriously deluded”
“This is a yet another foolish proposal by people who are driven by greed and flawed ideology, and clearly have no understanding of the consequences of this nonsense for WA, its people and its environmental well-being. Let’s rule this out – Messrs Barnett, Grylls & McGowan – over to you!!” Mr Chapple concluded.
Energy 2029 plan: