Greens to address Broome rally on community closures

Thursday, April 23

Greens member for the Mining and Pastoral Region Robin Chapple MLC will be speaking in Broome tomorrow at a rally against the government’s proposed remote community closures.

Mr Chapple said he was honoured to have been invited by community leaders to speak at the rally.

“The closure of remote communities will see an influx of people moving into regional centres, like Broome, putting extra pressure existing infrastructure,” he said.

“The government’s logic here is totally flawed; there is an already acute housing shortage in the Kimberley and regional service providers across the state will be placed under immense pressure.

“Economic and social problems will be caused, rather than alleviated, by forcing people to leave country as ties with the land form a significant part of culture and identity.

“History is about to repeat itself; the proposed closures will erode significant progress that has been made and result in generational trauma for Aboriginal Australians.”

More information about tomorrow's rally and the movement in general can be found here.

For comment please contact Robin Chapple on 0409 379 263 or 9486 8255.

Media liaison: Tim Oliver           

Mobile: 0431 9696 25

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