EPA is fast losing it's credibility

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Greens Member for the Mining and Pastoral Region, Robin Chapple MLC, has questioned the credibility of the Environmental Protection Agency.

“The latest revelation that EPA board member Jim Limerick has a conflict of interest leaves me seriously questioning their ability to protect the environment” Mr Chapple said.

“I find it remarkable that Mr Limerick was even appointed in the first place, not only did he have an obvious interest with Fremantle Ports, he was formerly the Director General of Industry and Resources and previously CEO of the Department of Industry & Resources.”

Further on 25 June 1994, the Environmental Protection Authority advertised in the West Australian its intention of conducting the Public Environmental Review of the Burrup Peninsula Industrial Plan, subsequently after pressure from the then acting chief executive officer of DRD Jim Limerick, Dr Steedman the head of the EPA agreed to withdraw the proposed assessment.

Mr Limerick at that time in a Fax to the EPA said “we are doing everyone a favour by asking the Minister to return the proposal to the Environmental Protection Authority to review its decision [to assess the Burrup]”

How can we appoint someone to the Authority who actively undermined an EPA assessment in 1994?

“The fact that inappropriate appointments keeps occurring make me wonder whether the membership process is broken.”

“The EPA should be appointing members with actual environmental backgrounds who have real environmental concerns not consultants and former pro industry government officials.”

“I will be asking questions in parliament these coming weeks to find out how many projects are at risk from further conflicts of interest.”



For comment please contact Robin Chapple 0409 379 263.

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