Friday, 16 June 2017
The WA Greens have raised serious concerns about a proposed baiting trial at Yampi Sound Training Area, a pristine wilderness on Department of Defence lands north of Derby in the Kimberley, to test uptake of the bait by endangered Northern Quolls.
Defence has confirmed that no Environmental Clearance Certificate was provided for the project despite it being a requirement for any activity on Defence lands, and especially when there is a perceived environmental impact.
WA Greens Environment Spokesperson Robin Chapple MLC today called on Environment Minister Stephen Dawson to immediately halt reconnaissance for the trial, due to begin on Monday.
“It absolutely beggars belief that the Department of Environment would be undertaking trials intended to impact upon stable populations of endangered species, within a conservation area that has had little if any external pressures on it,” Mr Chapple said.
“The intended target sites have been surveyed previously and as far as I am aware, not one feral cat was ever discovered. Anecdotal evidence suggests that dingos within the conservation area – one of the few remaining pure populations in Australia – are responsible.
“This pristine wilderness is a hierarchically intact ecosystem, possibly one of the last of its kind in this condition in Australia, and should be preserved at all costs!
“Even if the Hisstory bait has no adverse impact on the Northern Quoll it will absolutely impact the Australian Dingo, who scavenges and ingests food in much the same manner as the cat.
“In a strange twist of irony, it is entirely possible that diminished numbers of Dingos on Yampi Sound could lead to a surge of feral cats into the area once the trial is concluded!!
“I call upon the Minister for Environment to immediately halt his Department’s involvement in the trial until further investigation and assessment can take place.”
· ‘Hisstory’ is a new gulping bait, based on the widely used and criticised 1080-based ‘Curiosity’ bait, designed to be more attractive to feral cats but as yet is untested
· ‘Hisstory’ has been designed and produced by the (Federal) Department of Environment
· The trial will be overseen by the West Australian Department of Parks and Wildlife
Media Contact: Tim Oliver 0431 9696 25