Thursday, 26 February
The frequency of extreme, heat-related weather events is likely to increase, and continue to increase, given WA’s growing population and dependence on fossil fuels, according to a new report from the Climate Council.
Greens spokesperson on Climate Change Robin Chapple MLC said the report is throwing further weight behind what should already be an accepted concept.
“The science is deafening yet it continues to fall on deaf ears,” he said.
“Already this year in WA we’ve seen record temperatures across the state and devastating fires in record numbers.
“This government refuses to accept any responsibility for tackling climate change; they are deliberately stalling on what is potentially the biggest issue to affect not only Australia, but humankind, ever all the while continuing to throw money away on big fossil fuel projects.
“It is greedy, ignorant, short sighted and quite frankly, ludicrous behaviour.
“Mr Barnett wants to be remembered for his government’s investment in state development; he wants to be remembered for orchestrating the mining boom.
“I have no doubt that history will never forget the backwards actions of this government who failed to act on climate change whilst the rest of the developed world moved forward in leaps and bounds.
“It is a sad legacy indeed.”
A copy of the Climate Council report can be read here.
For comment please contact Robin Chapple on 0409 379 263 or 9486 8255.
Media liaison: Tim Oliver
Mobile: 0431 9696 25