Mining and Petroleum

Mining and Petroleum

Barrow Island

In July 2003, the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) opposed the use of Barrow Island as a gas hub. In September 2003, the WA Government provided in-principle agreement to the joint venturers for restricted access to Barrow Island nature reserve for gas processing facilities, as a foundation for the development of the Gorgon gas fields. That decision required special conditions including:

Kintyre Uranium project

-Update (March 2015)-

In early March 2015,  WA Environment minister Albert Jacob granted Canadian uranium producer Cameco approval to develop the remote Kintyre deposit. The approval occured even though an investigation is still underway regarding the Western Desert Lands Aboriginal Coporation's (WDLAC) operation and a mountain of appeals have been lodged against the development. 

No New Coal in WA

Coal is a major contributor of global warming. Power generation through coal is inefficient and dirty. The use of coal has major risks for the environment and the health of our communities.

Greens Support Water Corporation on No Fraccing


Thu, 19/12/2013

Robin Chapple MLC, Member for the Mining and Pastoral Region and Greens WA spokesperson on Climate Change and Energy, is in support of the Water Corporation’s statement released yesterday against fraccing.

‘I am absolutely astounded at the Barnett Government’s continued dogged pursuit of fraccing and the unashamed attempt of  WA’s monopoly water provider to keep silent on the dangers of fraccing on our drinking water,’ said Mr Chapple.

‘The Water Corporation knows of the risks to communities like Derby, where they are proposing to drill through the town’s water supplies, using chemicals that can cause contamination. So why do it?’ questioned Mr Chapple.

‘The Liberal-National Government should not put public health at risk and any decision to undertake fraccing comes at a huge social, financial and ecological cost to WA,’ said Mr Chapple.

The Greens have an Energy 2029 Plan that explains why Australia should invest in the next generation of clean, affordable energy infrastructure.

Energy 2029 plan:

For more information please contact Robin Chapple on 0409 379 263 or 9486 8255


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