Aboriginal Affairs & Heritage

Aboriginal Issues

New fine default legislation could help lower Indigenous imprisonment rate says Greens' MP Robin Chapple

A Kimberley-based Greens' MP says the introduction of a new method to help fine defaulters pay off their debts would keep many Indigenous Australians out of prison.

2015-02-25 Aboriginal heritage petition from AHAA

I present a petition from the newly formed organisation the Aboriginal Heritage Action Alliance (AHAA) to the Legislative Council.

Deaths in Custody

I tabled a petition to the Legislative Council for an independent inquiry into the administration of justice including the circumstances surrounding Ms Dhu's death and for the government to immediately adopt strategies to improve police and other relevant government agencies custody procedures which could prevent more deaths from occurring.

WA Aboriginal Stolen Wages Petition

The Kimberley Aboriginal community expressed deep concern about the Stolen Wages Reparation Scheme, open from 6 March to 30 November 2012. They respectfully request that the Legislative Council ensure the establishment of a transparent, high level process, which fully consults with Aboriginal people affected, to review the operation and outcomes of the Scheme, including:


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