Aboriginal Affairs & Heritage

Aboriginal Issues

State government admits support for nuclear waste dump

A parliamentary question has shown that the state government has conditionally supported Gindalbie Metals proposed nuclear waste dump, despite state legislation prohibiting the development.

WA Greens spokesperson for nuclear issues Robin Chapple MLC said it was shameful for this government to even consider a nuclear waste dump in this state, given the Nuclear Waste Storage and Transportation (Prohibition) Act 1999 was enacted by a liberal government.

“Terry Redman, the minister for lands, has admitted in parliament that he asked his office to draft a letter in support of Badja as a potential site for the proposed nuclear waste dump,” he said.

“They are trying to pull the wool over our eyes; this proposal is a blatant cash grab from a cash-strapped company with support from a cash-strapped government.

“Does he have support from his Liberal Party colleagues in taking this action? If so I would like to know how this government can justify such support.

“It is absolutely irresponsible to support a nuclear waste dump proposal on Aboriginal lands by Gindalbie Metals, a company heavily subsidised by the state government.

“Moreover, there has been no conversation with Widi Native Title claimants about the potentiality of such a development on their lands; a deal breaker at the very first step of such a process.”

For comment please contact Robin Chapple on 0409 379 263 or 9486 8255.

Media liaison: Tim Oliver // 0431 9696 25          

Early intervention a step in the right direction, lacking regional focus

Friday, 5 June

WA Greens spokesperson for Aboriginal Affairs Robin Chapple MLC said the government’s early intervention program for young Aboriginal offenders, announced today, was a step in the right direction but needed much more regional focus.

“I would like to see more funding go towards justice reinvestment and early intervention programs in regional WA and in remote communities, often where the problems start for these young people,” Mr Chapple said.

“All too often we see a very Perth-centric approach taken to fundamentally regional issues reflecting a lack of understanding on behalf of policy makers with regards to Aboriginal people in WA.

“I have my doubts that this government can continue to provide these kinds of essential services given the proposed remote community closures and uncertainty around funding under the Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS).

“Aboriginal people in WA deserve a commitment from the Premier that this initial funding is not just a one-off payment and will be continued into the future.

“But, having diversion officers working out of Perth Children’s Court is undoubtedly an important step in helping young Aboriginal offenders to get back on the right track and in essence, is the kind of program the Greens have been calling for.”

For comment please contact Robin Chapple on 0409 379 263 or 9486 8255.

Media liaison: Tim Oliver // 0431 9696 25

James Price Point stripped of any heritage value

Tuesday, 2 June 

WA Greens spokesperson for Aboriginal Affairs Robin Chapple MLC has expressed dismay at revelations site ‘LSC11, the ‘Lurujarri Song Cycle’ path, is not considered to be of heritage value by the Department of Aboriginal Affairs (DAA).

Walmadany, or James Price Point, is an Aboriginal site of immense mythological value to all Aboriginal communities from Broome (Minyirr) through to Coulomb Point (Minarriny) for its place in the song cycle path.

Mr Chapple said it was curious that the State Solicitor’s Office (SSO) advice on section 5(b) of the Aboriginal Heritage Act (AHA) was sought within the timeframe of the Aboriginal Cultural Materials Committee’s (ACMC) assessment of the ‘song cycle path’.

“Advice from the SSO allowing a new interpretation of section 5(b) of the act was endorsed by the ACMC at a time when the government was simultaneously pushing ahead with its Browse industrial hub proposal for James Price Point,” he said.

“This same SSO advice allowed for the song cycle path to be removed from any heritage lists entirely and it’s record is now kept by DAA in the heritage category of ‘Stored Data/Not a Site’.

“We are talking about a significant piece of heritage for the Aboriginal communities of the Dampier Peninsula, an oral heritage map or living memory of the landscape and its traditions passed down through generations.

“Whilst I’m not suggesting there was any malicious intent behind these actions, I do find it curious that a place of such significance was stripped of any legal heritage value at the same time as this controversial project was being promoted by the government.

“Aboriginal site LSC11 was lodged by DAA officers on 27 July 2011 as an Aboriginal Heritage site with section 5(a) – (d) of the AHA being shown as applicable.

“I would like to see a promise from this government that, in light of the recent Supreme Court decision and sheer weight of protest against development at this sacred site, any Aboriginal sites associated with James Price Point, especially LSC11, will be reassessed for their heritage value with renewed vitality.”

For comment please contact Robin Chapple on 0409 379 263 or 9486 8255.

Media liaison: Tim Oliver // 0431 9696 25         

Government should remember promise to help Broome’s homeless

Monday, 18 May

Greens member for the Mining and Pastoral Region Robin Chapple MLC has reminded the Government of their promise to address homelessness in Broome.

After a Four Corners story exploring Colin Barnett’s threats of Remote Community closures aired recently, the spotlight moved to Broome and its homelessness epidemic.

“A short stay Visitors Centre was promised to be built in Broome 5 years ago, but the construction fell apart due to disagreements over the location of the building,” Mr Chapple said.

“Nothing has been done since the proposal fell through, the $13 million set aside for Broome was moved to Derby and Kalgoorlie, leaving no means with which to house Broome itinerants.

“The government set out trying to solve a problem but left when it got too hard, and it seems they haven’t done anything to address it since.

“Hopefully the Four Corners program will have reminded people that the problem was never fixed and, if the proposed closures of remote communities goes ahead, it will only get worse.

“Short stay Visitor Centres are alcohol-free, family friendly sites that can cater to a high number of people for up to a few months and includes meals and access to support services.

“A centre like this would be truly beneficial for the more that 100 homeless people in Broome.”

For comment please contact Robin Chapple on 0409 379 263 or 9486 8255.

Media liaison: Tim Oliver // 0431 9696 25          


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